Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Saturday was a free day for us so to make the most of it we set off at 7 via train to London.
First stop was Notting Hill for the worlds most famous street market the Portobello market as well as the famous 'Blue door'. The markets definitely lived up to their reviews, with sooooo much yummy food.
After we managed to drag ourselves away from here we found our way to Bond street where the real tourists came out.

We eventually found our way to Hyde park where we hired bikes for the day, which was definitely the smartest thing we have done so far. The ride through the park to Buckingham Palace was pleasant.
Continuing on our ride to find Big Ben was a mission with thousands of people every where navigating a bike was a nightmare, so onto the busy London roads we went. We even rode over Tower bridge.
Finally riding to all the tourist destinations we decided we need to get our fluids up, therefore we swapped our bikes for a pub.
It is now 7pm and we have been sightseeing for 12 hours now, it's still not over. We jump on a double decker bus straight to the top where it's open for a guided tour of London. As this finished at 11:30 we jumped back on the underground loop destined for the hotel. What a day!!!

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