Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rijk Zwaan Seed Production

Our second stop was to Rijk Zwaan seed production facility. This is where they make seeds, create new varieties, pollinate flowers ect. Rijk Zwaan employees over 2000 people all over the world with 900 employed in Holland.
They have growers in 15 different countries that grow the produce and extract the seed, all the seed is then sent to the main facility here in Holland.
Once the seed reaches holland it goes through many many stages before it can be sold. The facility also researches new varieties, pollination by hand, pellitise the seeds, dry the seeds and also store the seeds.
Some new varieties can take upto 10 years before it is released into the market, with a lot of research and development.
It was really interesting visiting a site where they would actually supply a lot of our grows back in Australia.

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